Category Archives: Gilles Deleuze

ecological practices

In Cosmopolitics, Isabelle Stengers defines ecologic practice as a political practice in the broad sense:

Ecologic practice is related to the production of values, to the proposal of new modes of evaluation, new meanings. but those values, modes of evaluation and meanings do not transcend the situation in question, they do not constitute its intelligible truth. they are about the production of new relations that are added to a situation already produced by a multiplicity of relations (p. 33)

this ecological perspective does not correspond to a consensus situation, where

the population of our practices finds itself subjected to criteria that transcend their diversity in the name of a shared intent, a superior good, for an ideal peace.” (p. 35)

In fact, ecology doesn’t understand consensus, but symbiosis in which every protagonist is interested in the success of the other “for its own reason”. the process created then can be defined as the one of a “reciprocal capture.”